Post basic B.Sc. degree Nursing is a broad based education aimed to build upon the skills and competencies acquired at the Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery level. It is specially directed to the upgrading of critical thinking skills, competencies and standards required for practice of professional nursing and midwifery and to prepare graduates to assume responsibilities as competent nurses and midwives in providing promotive, preventive curative rehabilitative services, who can make independent decisions in nursing situations, protect the rights of individuals in pursuit of health and conduct research studies in the area of nursing practice. They are also expected to assume the role of teacher, supervisor, researcher and manager in a clinical/ public health setting.
Best Practices:
Small Group Learning
Education Workshop
Research Methodology Workshop
Individual Research Project
Inter-professional community practice
Post Basic B.Sc (N) First Year
1.Nursing Foundation
2.Nutrition & Dietetics
3.Biochemistry & Biophysics
5.Maternal Nursing
6.Child Health Nursing
8.Medical Surgical Nursing
9.English (Qualifying)
Post Basic B.Sc (N) Second Year
2.Community Health Nursing
3.Mental Health Nursing
4.Introduction to Nursing Education
5.Introduction to Nursing Administration
6.Introduction to Nursing Research & Statistics