Anti-Ragging Helpline Number
1800-180-5522 (Toll Free)
The college has framed regulations, on curbing the menace of ragging in the institution, in order to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging. College has taken various precautions as per UGC Norms to prevent ragging and ensure 100% no-ragging.
Anti Ragging Committee 2018 -19 Click Here
Punishments Click Here
Formed Anti Ragging Committee consisting of senior faculty and headed by Principal.
Persons not only from college but also from surrounding areas (i.e. residents and leaders) are also will be participating in Anti-Ragging Activities.
Committee has taken steps and allotted duties to all the staff members at almost all areas in the college (i.e. canteen, parking places, hostel, different blocks, play grounds etc.) and ensure that at least one faculty member will be present at any particular time at all the locations to avoid ragging activities.
Committee has taken precautions to avoid ragging activities at other locations like bus stops and given instructions and appointed student volunteers and secret informers at various boarding points.
Wide canvassing about anti-ragging, is being done in the forms of Flexes, Posters and Boards in college premises and surrounding areas where there is a chance of ragging.
Grievances & Redressed committee is also made a part of these anti-ragging activities
Many awareness programmes about Anti Ragging will be conducted by Anti Ragging Committee in the form of meetings and PPTs to the senior students, faculty & non-college personnel.
To root out ragging in all its forms from the college by instituting stringent anti ragging measure and provisions for strict punishments to defaulters.
References :
(a) Supreme Court Judgment Order dated 8 May, 2009.
Judgment of the Honorable Supreme Court is also available on the following website :
(a) Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written of by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student.
(b) Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship of psychological or physical harm or to raise fear of apprehension thereof in a fresher or any other student.
(c) Asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or any other student.
(d) Teasing, embarrassing, humiliating, assaulting or using criminal force or criminal intimidation, wrongful restraining of confining or causing grievous hurt, kidnapping, extortion or molesting or committing unnatural offences or causing death or abetting suicide, use of criminal force, criminal trespass and intimidation.
(a) Ragging within the college campus including its Institutions/ departments and hostels or outside the campus is strictly prohibited.
b) Ragging in any form is prohibited also in the private lodges/building where these college students are staying.
(c) No person including students/staff/ faculty shall participate or abet or propagate ragging in any form
Ragging is a cognizable offence under the law and the punishments are exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent. It may include.
(a) Cancellation of admission, suspension, rustication or expulsion from the Institution/ Hostel.
(b) FIR with the police and arrest.
(c) More severe punishment where justified such as fine/imprisonment, etc.
(d) Collective punishment may be imposed where involved persons are not identified.
(e) Withholding Scholarship or other benefits ( Writ Petition- Civil No. 656 of 1998 of Supreme Court.
(f) Debarring from representation in test/examination/ extra curricular activities.
(g) Withholding results.
5. Penalty of ragging
Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates "ragging"
within or without any educational institution, shall be punished with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extend
to ten thousand rupees.
6.Dismissal of Student
Any student convicted of an offence under section 4 shall be dismissed from the
educational institution and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational
7. Suspension of student
(1) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, whenever any student complains of
ragging to the Head of an Educational Institution, or to any other person responsible for
the management of the educational institution he / she shall inquire into the same
immediately and if found true shall suspend the student, who has committed the offence,
from the educational institution.
(2) The decision of the Head of the Educational institution or the person responsible for
the management of the Educational Institution that any student has indulged in ragging
under sub-section (1) shall be final.
8. Deemed abetment
If the head of the educational institution or the person responsible for the management of
the educational institution fails or neglects to take action in the manner specified in sub-
section (1) of section 6 when a complaint or ragging is made, such person shall be
deemed to have abetted the offence of ragging and shall be punished as provided for in
Section 4
9. Measure for Curbing Ragging:
(a) Before Admissions
(i) Application form and especially the registration form at the time of registration for a session will require two affidavits on Rs. 10.00 stamp paper each, duly notarized, one signed by the student and the other signed by the parents Draft of the affidavits required are given at : -
Appendix I - By the student
Appendix II- By the Parent
(ii) A student will not be admitted / registered until Affidavits mentioned above are submitted.